Thrash Metal Band OMISSION New Album Out Oct 24
Spanish Satanicspeed Thrash Metal band OMISSION, have just revealed details of what will be their 7th album to be entitled “Disciples of Ravens Vengeance”, which will be released in Ocotber 24th, 2023 through Xtreem Music on CD, 12″LP, Cassette & Digital formats.
Formed in 2002, OMISSION is one of the oldest bands within the Spanish Thrash/Speed scene, with a solid career full of demos, splits and 6 albums to date, of which the first two were released by Xtreem Music in 2009 and 2011, announce the release of their 7th album “Disciples of Ravens Vengeance” which follows the invariable style that they have followed since their beginnings, based on a raw and primitive old school Thrash Metal in its most aggressive aspect in the vein of some very early SODOM, POSSESSED, KREATOR, early SLAYER, old DESTRUCTION…
Tracklist for “Disciples of Ravens Vengeance”:
1. Rabid Aggression
2. Hatred Circles
3. Shrouded Alive
4. Roulette
5. Slow and Crooked
6. Burn the Cross
7. Conspiracy From Murks
8. It’s Better to Burn Out
9. …Than to Fade Away