Oh, who hasn’t had an ex (or boss, BFF, cousin on their mother’s side) that helped stage a coup against a rival political party? Michaela McManus as Teleya. All photos courtesy of Hulu
It’s been said that to prepare for peace is to prepare for war and in Gently Falling Rain we see it play out in stunning visuals and compelling storylines that are bound together by a complex and enchanting music score all of which will stay with you days, even weeks after you’ve watched it. Not just because it’s that good, and it is, but because so much of it is relatable to so many people’s experiences even if it is delivered through the lens of science fiction. The emotional anchors are strong with this one.
I think most of us are feeling the Admiral’s vibe right now. Victor Garber as Admiral Halsey
The episode starts off with a quick where are they now moment with a fiery Teleya speaking to a crowd of extremists on the cusp of a major election. Teleya is running for the office of Supreme Chancellor and is gaining support from Krill on the fringe of society (or so everyone thinks) and her popularity is growing but the current Supreme Chancellor, Korin, isn’t too worried about her. In fact, during a meeting on Earth between Supreme Chancellor Korin, High Priest Pakor, Ambassador K.T.Z. and senior members of the Planetary Union Korin was in very high spirits about his upcoming victory and the new alliance being forged between the Krill and Union. You know what is coming next but you still hold hope it won’t be as bad as you think, and you’d be wrong.
No one can say these ridiculously self-righteous jerks can’t dress.
Back on The Orville, we catch the crew taking a fun romp through the Old West that includes a saloon, some serious drinking, a bit of carousing, and an awkward visit from Iassc replete with a ten-gallon hat and curled mustache whose bit is cut short when Ed and Kelly leave to take an urgent phone call. It’s a good one; the peace treaty between the Union and the Krill is ready to be signed with the Orville designated to be the transport for the Union delegates to meet their political counterparts on planet Krill. While the current Supreme Chancellor is going through an election, he is adamant that his rival is of no threat to the political stability of the region, that he will remain in power, and that it’s safe for the Union delegates, including the President Alcuzan (Bruce Boxleitner ) to visit and sign the treaty.
The calm before the storm. L-R Anne Winters as Ensign Burke, Seth MacFarlane as Capt Ed Mercer, Bruce Boxleitner as President Alcuzan, Victor Garber as Admiral Halsey and Lisa Banes as Speria Balask.
Once on the planet, the delegates are treated to the sights and sounds of the city from the balcony of the capital. While the city is a sight to behold, the cracks in the world the Krill believe they’ve created begin to show, complete with a massive building holding what can only be described as an empty socket for the Eye of Sauron and something eerily similar to the Twin Towers of NYC. Could be a coincidence, could be that the Krill have been studying us as having potential for something that doesn’t align with their long-term planetary conquest goals. As the parties enjoy some Krill hard cider, the results come in and the Supreme Chancellor is voted out by a very narrow margin and within minutes of said results the former Chancellor is arrested by Teleya’s goons and the Union delegation is locked up. Chancellor Korin is executed on the balcony to the roar of the crowd with the delegation set to be offed in the morning. Ed, Admiral Halsey, and President Alcuzan
Captain Mercer is brought before Teleya and she proves to be every bit as arrogant and hateful towards the Union as the rest of the Krill and after a brief exchange sends him away to be executed with the rest except the guards take a different route back and before you know it, Captain Mercer, in a disguise only a monk would love, is being escorted through the underbelly of the city where we see all the same addictions and vices that plague humanity on full display in Krill form. Wild rebels appear out of nowhere, capture Ed, and take him to a safe house where he unexpectedly meets his beautiful half-human half-Krill daughter named Anaya and learns that while Anaya is well cared for, Teleya abandoned her soon after she was born so Teleya could maintain her racial purity while pursuing her political aspirations. Ed is then quickly taken back to meet with Teleya who not only refuses to publicly acknowledge she has an unwanted child with Ed, she shows him how they treat Krill who have terminated their pregnancies and it’s an ugly scene to watch and feel.
Charlie Townsend as Anaya
While all of this is happening, Cmdr Grayson is on the Orville planning a rescue mission and finding new things to hate about Teleya (no judging we’ve all been there.) Kidnapping the delegates is an act of war, and soon a fleet of Union ships commanded by Admiral Ozawa (Kelly Hu ) arrive to save the day. A shuttle piloted by Ltcmdr LaMarr and accompanied by Dr Finn both physically enhanced to look like Krill rescue the Delegates and under a hail of laser fire get them back on the Orville. The ship heads back to Earth to debrief and recover and maybe even reconcile a few Old Wounds.
The racism, religious and political zealotry, financial and spiritual poverty, and the rabid consideration for only unborn children is a reflection of our society as well but the irony of how the Krill see themselves as so superior yet deny they are anything like us is pretty telling.
Gently Falling Rain is available to streamed, along with all previous season 3 episodes, right here on Hulu.