Jensen Ackles as Solider Boy. Photo courtesy of IMDb, deranged look on Soldier Boy’s face courtesy of Mother Russia.
Solider Boy is back and he’s not quite right.
The Soviet mad scientists who Payback handed Solider Boy over to all those years ago turned the less-than-great American hero into a walking nuclear bomb that can be triggered by merely hearing a few bars of Russian Pop Music which, unfortunately, does happen in the middle of NYC, taking out a restaurant, killing nearly 20 people and made the Breaking News channels really, really happy. While it’s a terrible way to let everyone know you’re back in town for the day, it did get the attention of another mentally unstable supe, Homelander, and now we start to see just how much Stan Edgar‘s comments from their last meeting are beginning to affect Homelander and it isn’t pretty.
Paul Reiser as The Legend. Photo courtesy of EW.
The only guy in NYC that would know anything substantive about Soldier Boy’s whereabouts is his former manager, The Legend, who is every bit as smarmy as you’d imagine him to be. After a few lines of coke, a stiff drink, and a mild threat from Butcher, Legend gives up the details, and off the gnarly threesome go to save Crimson Countess and stop Soldier Boy before he can do any more damage and no of course that’s not the plan. Crimson Countess dies in flames, and Butcher and Hughie make a deal with nuke boy to first help him take out the remaining members of Payback, and then he’ll help them defeat Homelander. There will be blood, guts, and various other body fluids spilled, more temporary V passed around, and lots of collateral damage and relationship issues because of it but hey they are not quitters.
Adorable Eurotrash meets Broadway. Photo courtesy of IMDb
While the rest of the team is busy with Solider Boy, Frenchie and Kimiko are dealing with the aftermath of the soviet lab blunder, meaning Nina is pissed at Butcher and someone needs to make her happy again or someone will die, and that person is Frenchie. Nina tasks Frenchie with a hit job and he refuses so he can stay with Kimiko while she is unconscious in a hospital recovering from her wounds. When she wakes she realizes she hasn’t healed yet which means Soldier Boy’s lab blast took her powers away and she couldn’t be happier. In fact, she looks almost blissful sitting in her hospital bed with Frenchie next to her watching the Judy Garland flick Girl Crazy when suddenly Kimiko can talk, and can even pull off a Scrubs-style song and dance number to I’ve Got Rhythm with hospital employees and other patients. It’s just a vivid daydream of course but when it’s over, and Frenchie doesn’t return from the coffee run he left on, things get dangerously real.
Great episode that really keeps the storyline moving with very few side stories to distract you from what you really want to see, messed up shit.
The Boys Ep 5 and all previous episodes can be streamed right here on Amazon Prime Video.