On January 17th, 2025 internationally, PERSONAL RECORDS is proud to present ONIROPHAGUS’ highly anticipated third album, Revelations From the Void, on CD format. Revelations From The Void by ONIROPHAGUS Hailing from Catalonia, ONIROPHAGUS saw the light in 2011 when Uretra and Moregod decided to create a project to revive the old…
Tag: Personal Records

MARDOM To Release Debut Oct 4 2024
On October 4th internationally, PERSONAL RECORDS is proud to present MARDOM’s highly anticipated debut album, Dead Soul Age, on CD format. Formed in 2019, MARDOM are a new force in the always fertile Polish black metal scene. Despite their geography, the duo aren’t strictly “Polish black metal” by definition; a strong…

NECROCENE To Release Debut EP June 7 2024
On June 7th internationally, Personal Records is proud to present Necrocene‘s striking debut EP, Detrimental Paratomy, on transparent CD format. The “Necrocene” is a term that evokes an era of unprecedented devastation and ecological decay. This epoch is characterized by its sinister dance of destruction, disintegration, and death that spreads to every corner of…

AUGUST MOON To Release Long Awaited Debut Dec 13 2024
On December 13th internationally, Personal Records is proud to present August Moon‘s long-awaited debut album, Something Eldritch and Macabre, on CD format. The origins of August Moon can be traced back to the year 1993, when a couple of Finnish pimple-faced heavy metal teenagers playing in a band called As Serenity Fades decided that there was…

BLOODCROSS To Release Debut July 5 2024
On July 5th internationally, PERSONAL RECORDS is proud to present BLOODCROSS’ highly anticipated debut album, Gravebound, on CD format. BLOODCROSS are a Finnish heavy metal band formed in 2019 that rose from the ashes of black metallers Angelscourge and their lone album, Seraph Impaler. Based in Turku, BLOODCROSS cast their gaze wider…

WrekTomb Release Debut Album
On April 5th internationally, PERSONAL RECORDS presented WREKTOMB’s highly anticipated debut album, Bovine Mockeries of Human Posturing, on CD format. The sarcophagus has cracked, releasing the sulfuric putrefaction of WREKTOMB’s first full-length recording after one EP, Bovine Mockeries of Human Posturing. Nick Krostoff and his faithful companion Vera Kätzin bring warnings…