When the boundaries between Science and Religion are muddied rather than observed, the most heinous acts of cruelty toward one another can become commonplace. In Strange New Worlds’ latest episode we see the inhabitants of planet Majalis expressing their particular right to freedom of religion through the art of child…
Tag: Gene Roddenberry

Review- Fresh From Mid Season Break Star Trek Discovery EP 8 Proves Waiting Can Be A Good Thing
Discovery came back from break fresh as a Shasta Daisy and ready to work. With renegades Booker and Tarka out looking to build that somewhat sketchy detonation device using a power source from a sketchy distributor, Michael and Admiral Vance devise a scheme (that’s technically sketchy) to put a hard…

Gene Roddenberry’s Signature On The First Star Trek Contract Is Now The First Ever Living Eco-NFT
Gene Roddenberry’s Signature On The First Star Trek Contract Is Now The First Ever Living Eco-NFT Roddenberry Entertainment announced that they have immortalized an iconic moment in entertainment history. Gene Roddenberry’s signature on the first Star Trek contract between the sci-fi legend and Lucille Ball’s Desilu Productions dated May 18, 1965, has become the first-ever…

From Evil Computers And Virgin Princes To Inept Alien Spies And Kinky VR Drills, Lower Decks Season Two Is Ending On A Gloriously Weird Note
It’s all fun and games until your captain decides to take an emergency 6-hour cruise and leave you behind. Photo courtesy of the Almighty Amazon.com Lower Decks just keeps cranking out the fun, the laughs, and the OG Star Trek references with all the wit and wisdom you could ask…

Star Trek Picard And Discovery Eloquently Scrutinize What First Contact Means And How It Can Forever Haunt You
First contact has gone well for some in the Star Trek universe, and then there’s Q and 10-C. Both have been aggressively invasive, both have technically made first contact themselves (who would create and then send out a giant world-destroying DMA and think no one would notice and start asking…

Review- Episode 7 Of Star Trek: Prodigy Is A Visually Exquisite Story Rich In Science And Character
While killing time waiting for Janeway to piece together the information on the disappearance of Capitan Chakotay and his crew on the Protostar, Dal finds himself reunited with an old friend named Nandi, a Ferengi looking to make a quick buck on a new planet she stumbled on, swearing she…

Spoiler Free Review- Season Four Star Trek Discovery Is Worth Your Valued Patience
Mary Wiseman As Silvia Tilly and Blu del Barrio as Adira Tal Photo courtesy of Comic Years. Considering how the removal of Discovery from Netflix and the international delay for Season 4, I don’t feel comfortable writing an actual review so I’ll keep it short and reassuring. 1. The season…