Series finales are always difficult because no matter what, you’re going to upset a whole lot of people and hear about it for the next month. Hopefully, Farewell will leave more than a few fans happy and looking forward to an amazing season 3 because it’s pretty special. With Queen…
Tag: Allison Pill
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Star Trek: Picard S2 E4 The Watcher Is A Pivotal Point Within All The Exasperating Mayhem
Photo courtesy of CBSViacom, upcoming hangover courtesy of who? Hang on to your butts, it’s going to get rough. Episode 4 is as frustrating as it is instructive for the crew. While Picard is running amok (ok, briskly strolling with great concern) through Los Angeles looking for The Watcher, Rios…
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Picard Episode 9 Hide And Seek Wonderfully Illuminates The Battle For The Mind
As we dive into episode 9 the clocking is running out on the Borg’s campaign to jumpstart their assimilation of, well, the entire universe and Picard is to blame. Actually, he seems to be the bane of quite a few existences, including Dr. Soong, whose undying obsession with a legacy…