Should The Wrap be correct in its reporting (and I’m sure they are because they’re good like that) Resident Alien is a hit with both its season 1&2 series premieres bringing in the highest number of viewers of anything on SYFY since 2015. So, there’s a season 3 in our future, right? Right?? Alan Tudyk as Harry Vanderspeigle — (Photo by: SYFY)
So much has happened in Season 2 and we’re only halfway (ish) through, and it’s all so gloriously strange. We’ve got the full scope of Asta Twelvetrees and Jay‘s relationship revealed, Deputy Liv Baker and Sheriff Mike Thompson have an employment situation that is fixed with some Bette Midler karaoke (who knew that Bette Midler songs could get someone rehired? Or that my Grammarly program would know how to correct the spelling of Bett Midler’s name because I’m typing too fast? It’s learning…) Harry Vanderspeigle, Asta, and D’Arcy Bloom have the oddest yet most intense life-or-death bonding session seen on this side of the sci-fi universe, and Harry becomes a father without transferring an ounce of his DNA to another living (or not so much) thing. New York City can be a very, very strange place.

Plus we’ve got some awkward friendship issues with D’Arcy, Mayor Ben Hawthorne, and Kate Hawthorne (look the sign was fine) a group of high-level thugs that want to do something to someone (there’s a lot of working parts here) that involves Harry, his soon to be ex-wife, and some New Yorkers and top government officials who really want Harry and the hungry alien hatchling he’s trying to capture, not to mention the fantastic guest stars that have been popping up to make us laugh and cringe at the same time.

Oh and let us take a moment of silence to fondly remember Nathan Fillion as #42 and the death he suffered at the paws/teeth of an over-enthusiastic canine that was supposed to be under the supervision of one Sahar and Max Hawthorne but no, no it wasn’t and because of this, a glorious Cephalopoda alien died, but we were gifted with this scene so it evens out. Also, technically #42 died because of Harry.

The mid-season finale left us with a lot; what will happen to the alien spawn, when will Harry’s identity be revealed and what will happen when Dept Baker’s research into alien visitations proves that we are not alone and will finally get Dan Twelvetrees recipe for pie? Because everyone is addicted to it.
We all need to live in a state of patience (yep you see what I did there) and wait for the rest of the season to unfold but until then we have epic episodes like this one. Resident Alien can be streamed on Peacock, SYFY, Amazon Prime, and a few channels I’ve never heard of.