When something is amiss (mainly because you’re on a starship and it shouldn’t be cloudy or swampy), you can’t quite put your finger on it. All photos courtesy of Paramount+, CBS/Viacom.
Ghost In The Machine is another knockout ep that this time puts our crew at wits with a corrupted holodeck and a vital hologram. While still in the Neutral Zone a very weary team decides to take a break and hang out before getting some much-needed rest. Dal, while in his quarters where everything has been silenced, hears music coming from outside his room and when he goes to find the source discovers that not only does everyone else hears the noise, weird holograms from the holodeck are stalking the halls of the ship. While feral humans and kissy-faced aliens are running amok the crew meets in the holodeck to find out what exactly has gone bonkers with the program and yep, that’s where things get weird.
They find themselves shrouded in fog, walking through a swampy spooky landscape replete with darkened skies and an aging lighthouse. It’s Zero’s holodeck program that revolves around a secret society that meets to solve mysteries (very British indeed) and the Protostar crew is invited to play along. However, it soon becomes obvious that it isn’t just for fun and soon everyone’s holodeck programs start merging to form a continuous storyline without end meant to keep the crew preoccupied from discovering… something. It isn’t until they refuse to participate that they discover who’s truly to blame for this intrusion into their privacy and psyche.
Much to the frustration of the crew, the Living Construct has struck again, this time unraveling the team’s greatest ally and turning it against them, allowing the weapon of phenomenal mass destruction to be secured and rerouted to complete its final voyage. EP 18, Mindwalk, will show the lengths that the Protostar crew will go to to protect Starfleet and just how weird mind-swapping can get. Ghost In The Machine, along with the rest of season 1, can be streamed right here on Paramount +.