Everyone has a backstory. All photos courtesy of Paramount+
So after our motley crew beat the odds by surviving the Romulan ambush at Noble Isle (not to mention the rockets red glare from the Dauntless) they waste no time trying to get the Protostar back in action but hit a few snags. The delays are frustrating and the tired crew begins to argue over who has the right to be the most irritated with the current situation which leads everyone to take a beat and share how they each ended up on Tars Lamora. On the Dauntless, Vice Admiral Janeway is increasingly frustrated with the Protostar’s crew and their perceived refusal to communicate until she receives a much-needed update about the Unwanted. Oh and she’s definitely back on the grind.
Once the Vice Admiral has obtained enough information about the identity of the Protostar crew she attempts to have a quick chat with the guest that the Dauntless crew saved from Tars Lamora, only to find he’s not alone and he’s no longer the feeble alien they revived but much, much more. Ok maybe just much more. Moving along.
After everyone has shared their respective backstory (even hologram Janeway gets in on the bonding) they prepare to jump, hopeful that good fortune is still following them and that they’ll find the means to communicate with the Dauntless without getting the Living Construct involved. It’s another well-written and beautifully constructed episode and it, along with all previous episodes, is available to stream right here on Paramount +.