Horror movies have been scaring us in (and sometimes out of) movie theaters since 1896 and show no signs of losing any ground. Photo courtesy of Star Talk.com
In this episode of Star Talk Radio, host Neil deGrasse Tyson, co-host Chuck Nice and guests Mathias Clasen (Horror Scholar, Author, and Recreational Fear Researcher) and Heather Berlin PHD (Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience at Icahn School of Medicine) discuss horror movies, their effect on our bodies, the potential health benefits of watching scary movies (spoiler alert, the studies are small and not peer-reviewed but pretty consistent), and how deeply ingrained into our culture they’ve become. Anyone remember the CDC’s Zombie Preparedness Guide? It’s an actual campaign designed to educate the public at large on how to survive a wide variety of disasters. I mean why not?
The Science Of Scary Podcast can be heard here
If you need to take things down a notch, The Science Of Happiness can be seen here
Photo courtesy of Vocal.com