Episode 2 is all about rookie Uhura and just how creative and talented she truly is. We begin within the confines of a normal ship day with the Enterprise tailing a comet heading near and hopefully around a nearby planet named Persephone 3. Since everything seems nominal Captain Pike continues on with a pre-planned dinner in his quarters for several of the crew members where the new kids can get to know the senior officers. Dinner is cut short when the trajectory of the comet is recalculated and appears to be heading straight for Persephone 3. All standard methods to merely nudge the comet off its current path fail due to ancient alien tech deep within the comet preventing such so they decide an away team needs to beam onto the surface of the comet to figure out what exactly they’re dealing with. Uhura gets tagged to go with the team (her first away mission) because of her exceptional knowledge of alien languages but since she’s so inexperienced she, at one point, becomes a serious liability. Well, technically Sam Kirk becomes the first liability to the mission because he wasn’t thinking and then Uhura became a liability for overthinking things.

While trying to save the planet the crew is pounced on by a ship whose self-proclaimed mission is to protect the comet (apparently known as Ma-Han-Eet or something to that equivalent. Hey nobody else knows how to spell it correctly either) from anything interfering with it’s journey through space. They call themselves the Shepards (I prefer crazy space monks, the name courtesy of Ortegas) and the Shepards do not care if Persephone 3 is destroyed so as long as no one touches the Shepard’s precious. While the zealots make life difficult for the crew, the away team’s newbie Uhura makes an incredible discovery using mathematically derived music to communicate with the alien tech which resets the comet and its purpose.

Episode 2 is available to stream on Thursdays via Paramount+