With Jonathan Frakes at the helm episode 6 is full speed ahead! And then full stop. Then a reverse. Then full speed ahead! Here’s why.
Episode 6 is has a unique timeline where we start in the past and are, for the most part, passive viewers watching the past, present, and the potential future unfold and it’s so brilliantly done. We start watching 43 minutes in the past and move forward, then we go back another increment which propels us forward, then another, before you know it, the credits are rolling. Bravo!
It’s not just the timeline that blows you away, it’s the twists and turns with Agnes (who knew with the help of the Borg Queen Agnes was such a brilliant performance artist but now we have to deal with weird moral issues because sci-fi fans think like that,) the thin line of devotion that links Picard to Laris, and the incredible, multi-generational family ties that bind us all are examples of how interconnected life is on a galactic scale. Unfortunately, that connectivity includes delusional grief brought to a head by unsolvable (though self-created) problems on a scale so infused with ego and fidelity that the only option to source a possible solution is through a completely mad individual. Oh Q, what have you done this time and why Soong? Remember, those who say Hell hath no fury like a woman scored have not had to deal with kids.
Mom and Dad watching over…everyone. Sure Renee is the problem child but still.
All epsiodes of Season 1 and current episodes of season 2 of Start Trek: Picard is available to stream right here and you should go do that. Now. Your employer would understand.
I’m kidding, don’t do that even if they would.