Another round of seemingly abject silliness pinned with underlying social commentary through the strategic use of pop culture. Brilliant as always. Photo courtesy of
Season 2 of Animaniacs is upon us and it is all the silliness and cultural relevance we’ve come to expect out of the Warner family. From thinly veiled references to former presidents to musicals about fair wages and fair treatment of workers to internet scams and cyberbullying, the Warners have a lot to say about everything. Even Pinky And The Brain take a few jabs at the effects of constantly consuming mindless YouTube videos and the chaos that practicing irresponsible (and sometimes stupid) science creates.
Ok more irresponsible than what Brain and Pinky do every night.
While Animaniacs remains true to its brand (they’ve been criticized for supposedly being the same show as they were in the ’90s but they would have been criticized for changing things so what’s a cartoon to do) they have updated their shtick (Hello Nurse is gone along with several other characters) to be more in step with the times but are still effortlessly cranking out entertaining and germane comedy.
Evolution is a beautiful thing.
New teaser trailer can be seen here
Photo courtesy of Pioneer Scoop