One last time. Photo courtesy of
For years audiences enamoured with The Expanse series have watched over the crew of the Rocinante as though they were their own family. Fans have felt every heartbreak and joy, counted every win and agonized over every loss as though they were experiencing it themselves, which is the hallmark of a well-crafted show. The tv series’ foundation was built from Leviathan Wakes, the first book in the Expanse series (which went on to become an NYT Best Seller and a recipient of the Hugo award) and from there took on a life of its own, creating its own identity while still firmly holding true to the series. Now, 6 years later, we find ourselves at the end of an era, one that allows us to see new horizons while the end of the series draws nigh.
And it’s one hell of a send-off.
The series begins with a status report of how badly things are going with the repairs on Earth. There are new, random attacks from asteroids sent out by Belter’s loyal to Marcos, the damage from which is hampering restoration efforts of critical supplies like water, food, and energy, and they are running out of time. Not everyone is excited about working with Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashloo ) in navigating the rebuilding of Earth but everyone will suffer the same fate if Marcos (Keon Alexander ) and his fleet aren’t stopped so, putting prejudices aside, verbal treaties are established between pirates and belters who’ve defected, Martians, and of course, Earthlings. It’s a rocky and emotionally painful situation for all involved but too much is at stake to not try.

While the war with Marcos rages on and the race to rebuild Earth before it becomes a mass extinction event kicks into overdrive, a ring planet called Laconia is beginning to reveal its secrets to the scientific colony currently residing there. A decrepit alien ship residing in the planet’s upper atmosphere seems to cast a menacing shadow over the planet, but its function is never really dived into which of course leaves a lot of unanswered questions, but realistically there’s only so much that can be crammed into six episodes.
The final battles and last wisps of smoke from extinguishing personal vendettas are something fans should experience on their own, so I’ll just finish the review by saying this. No tv show, much less its finale, will please everyone, especially one derived from a respected book series but the care that has been taken to tie up the loose ends that could be and leave others to the imagination is unmistakable. Fans will laugh, they will cry, and they will also complain but just give it a shot.
Camina Drummer, and those she’s represented, will thank you for it.