The movie begins with Lassie trying to reclaim the glory of his past police life while still recovering from being nearly killed in a shootout months ago, but he’s running into a lot of obstacles on his road to recovery, Shawn and Gus being two of them even as they are doing their best to help. While Lassie struggles with his future, Shawn and Gus are struggling with the past, mainly the pressing issue of Gus’ fiance Selene still being married to another man, one that she doesn’t seem to be trying too hard to find much less divorce. A little investigating on Shawn’s part turns up, nothing, literally. There is no one by the name of Selene Gilmore in the county, state, or country, and as it turns out, for good reason.

While all of this is going on, Gus is focused on just two things: getting married before the baby arrives and getting Curt Smith to perform at the wedding, both of which are a long shot and both of which should be lower on the massive To-Do list in Gus’ life. The mystery of the fiance’s missing identity gets even stranger when the guys track down an old associate of Selenes who can only confirm that she has no idea who Selene really is but knows she’s a dangerous person. After getting their hands on a previous address for Selene out of her purse (OK it was Shawn who got the address after stealing her purse during a couples night out with Gus and Juliett and then tearing it apart in the men’s bathroom looking for clues but really what’s a little invasion of privacy between family?) Gus and Shawn find a lot of identities for Selene, along with the identity of the mystery husband and a murder weapon attached to a well-loved, well-connected owner (nicknamed The Bull) of a local brewery who also happens to run guns and drugs on the side. It’s always the brewers.

With the husband’s identity now known to be Alan Decker Shawn and Gus take the lead and track him down to a tiny country town where they get roped into helping Alan break into The Bull’s brewery to steal very specific evidence that proves The Bull was into some really bad business dealings. Afraid the guys are going to do something stupid (like break into a brewery owned by a dangerous criminal), Karen, Juliett, and Selene drive out to the brewery to stop them and while that didn’t exactly work out, a wedding did take place, a baby was born, Curt Smith did attempt to play at the ceremony (all in front of a picture of the ship from the movie Alien, as it should be) and Allen turned out to be a complete psychopath so a lot of loose ends got tied up.

Psych 3: This Is Gus is just a really fun ride with a lot of laughs and yes, a lot of heart. As always the writing is smart, the character interactions are tight, the storyline flows wonderfully from the previous movie into and throughout the third, and the pop culture references will really make viewers smile.
The ending credits hint at a possible 4th Psych movie, and there’s plenty of fresh storylines to be tapped so if it happens, it’s going to be a good time.
Psych 3: This Is Gus will be available to stream November 18th on Peacock TV