Ashley Zukerman as Robert Langdon with Valorie Curry as Katherine Solomon Photo courtesy of Geek Tyrant
If you haven’t read The Lost Symbol or any of the other Da Vinci Code literature, don’t worry, you’ll do just fine immersing yourself into Peacock’s original series.
The show’s premise revolves around the disappearance of famed researcher and Masonic enthusiast Peter Solomon (Eddie Izzard) who’s long time protege Robert Langdon is coerced into participating in a global religious conspiracy whose leader has kidnapped Peter in an effort to fulfill an ancient prophecy and learn the secrets of some universal wisdom that once uncovered might destroy all of existence. However, there are a lot of steps between Mal’akh (Beau Knapp) the cult leader, and his obtaining of said wisdom, and the only way to accurately traverse the path to his goal is with the help of Robert. Oh and the C.I.A is trying to coerce Robert into working for them. This is all sounding a bit familiar.

In Robert’s pursuit of lifting every veil to discover a new hidden truth in this deadly game, he acquires a stubborn assistant that will not take no for an answer, namely Katherine Solomon (Valorie Curry), Peter’s daughter and Robert’s ex who will do anything to find her father. Again this is all feeling very familiar and as far as the storyline goes I think I’ll let you take it from here because you already know where this will lead. However, as far as the quality of the show, it’s really good with a fairly smooth storyline, good character interactions, the secondary stories are easy to follow and don’t detract from the primary, the cinematography is interesting and at times quite beautiful, and the music score absolutely holds its own. If you enjoyed The Da Vinci Code movies/books I think you’ll really enjoy The Lost Symbol.