“In all chaos, there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”- Carl Jung
Thank goodness there’s only one leap per episode because things are getting nerve-wracking.
The year is 1998 and Ben has leaped into an astronaut named David aboard the Atlantis, a space shuttle bringing equipment up to space that will one day be part of the International Space Station. There’s only one problem; Ben, or at least the astronaut he’s currently housed in, is supposed to die and of course, that’s not a viable option for anyone and that means the team needs to be thinking with clear heads, working together as a unit and that’s not going to according to plan either which is understandable.

Addison has found a mysterious thumb drive hidden in her apartment that she’s sure something incriminating about Ben is on it, Magic and Jenn are at odds with Addison on how to keep Ben safe while keeping him in the dark about his past, Magic and Jenn also discover that Janice Calavicci (Al’s daughter) has been working with Ben in secrete on the project but no one knows how or why, Ian is trying to figure out the balance between loyalty to his work family and moral obligation to the project, and David (Ben) just might die so yeah there are a lot of moving parts here.

When the infighting stops and the thumb drive is finally unlocked, a whole other world within the Quantum Leap program opens up and it’s beautiful and confusing all at the same time. We don’t know what the next leap will bring but it will be worth it.
Quantum Leap airs on NBC 10/9 c and streams the next day on Peacock TV.