Series finales are always difficult because no matter what, you’re going to upset a whole lot of people and hear about it for the next month. Hopefully, Farewell will leave more than a few fans happy and looking forward to an amazing season 3 because it’s pretty special.
With Queen Jurati’s words of wisdom pounding in everyone’s heads, the race is on to get to Renee before Dr. Soong and/or his airborne minions of destruction do. Only Tallin knows who the second Renee is, and she will do whatever it takes to get the correct Renne aboard the shuttle. In the middle of the chaos, Picard learns another lesson about letting go and allowing people to make their own decisions.

Let’s not forget what brought everyone to this point. Queen Juarti does make an appearance but fails to give everyone a heads up as to why she’s there basically knocking on Stargazer’s window and that raises more than a few concerns and nearly starts the whole cycle over again except, and this is important, leadership has learned from its past mistakes and tries a different approach with the Queen and this time disaster is averted.
But there is still a cost.
When things settle down and everyone can take a breather, we see sparks fly in old and new relationships, a new watcher of sorts is brought into the fold by a very reassuring guest star, and within the confines of a newly renovated solarium, Laris and Jean-Luc finally reconcile their differences. Oh and Q…well Q is still Q. There’s also a lot of hugging in this episode, and it’s kinda nice.

Series finale premieres May 5th on Paramount +