As many of you may have heard already, Phoenix Comicon was in the news today, and not for the type of stories that any geek would like to see. It wasn’t about superheroes, or comicbooks, art, cosplay or films. No it was the result of a man with multiple weapons being arrested. Here are two of the stories about the incident:
- Man with 4 guns, knife arrested at Phoenix Comicon; costume props now banned
- Armed Man Arrested at Phoenix Comicon
Having not attended this show, and not knowing what their security protocols were in advance of this incident, it would be easy to throw stones and make the assumption that their process for weapons check was insufficient. But remember this; a determined person can find away around precautions so we should wait to see what light is shed on the incident before make any assumptions.
If anybody is there this year who can shed light on what the process for cosplayers to have their props vetted as being safe (i.e. pass standard weapons check as would be performed at SDCC and other larger shows) prior to this incident and policy change, please drop us a line and share your experience(s).
If you are attending, planning to attend or maybe even wonder what change to policies could come from such an incident please read the following message we received tonight from Phoenix Comicon. While this will be heartbreaking for many cosplayers and their fans, remember they are doing what they think is necessary to keep everybody safe.
Don’t let the people like this make you stop enjoying the things that bring a smile to your face, when you do, they have won! Stay Safe and Enjoy Yourselves!
Convention Director Matthew Solberg here with an important and urgent message:
In light of recent events, Phoenix Comicon, in cooperation with the Phoenix Convention Center and the Phoenix Police Department, will be implementing enhanced screening to ensure the safety of all our attendees. This screening includes three dedicated access points, no longer allowing costume props within our convention or the Convention Center, and other methods as determined in conjunction with the Convention Center and Phoenix Police Department. We anticipate some delays as you are entering the building and we encourage you to carry as little as possible to make the process easier.
These new policies will take effect starting tomorrow, Friday, May 26th.
The three access points for entrance into the Convention Center with those who have a valid badge:
West Building entrance at 2nd Street, between Washington and Monroe.
Third Street at Washington
Third Street at Monroe
For those who need to collect their badge from registration you will ONLY be able to use the access point at Third Street at Monroe.
Con on Third will no longer be open to the public, and will require a valid badge to enter.
Costume props will no longer be allowed on-site. All costume props should be left at home, in your car, or in your hotel room. This includes costume props for staff, crew, costuming groups, panelists, and participants in the masquerade ball. Any panels or activities impacted by this change will be updated on the website soon.
All costume props are no longer allowed, including foam and cardboard props, shields and sabers. Purchased props will be wrapped by the vendors and must remain so while they are on-site. We encourage you to take your purchases to your car or hotel as soon as possible after purchase.
We understand these are last minute changes as a result of recent events.
We appreciate your patience as we continue to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all our patrons and we look forward to a great event.
Matthew Solberg
Convention Director
Shared with permission from