Steve Harris recently spoke with Eddie Trunk on SiriusXM’s Trunk Nation. During their conversation, Steve reveals if he would write a book in the future and the possibility of new Iron Maiden music.
Steve Harris on If He Would Write a Book:
Steve Harris: I’d love to write a book at some point, but it’s just a question that, again, it’s time, you know, because there’s so many other things that I do when I’m not on tour. So to do a book, I couldn’t do like Bruce does, I mean, he just does 10 things at once.–M?si
Steve Harris on New Iron Maiden:
Eddie Trunk: Have you thought about a follow up?
Steve Harris: Yeah because we ain’t sure either. We dunno, you know? We haven’t really planned for a new album yet. But, we’ve still got a fair bit of touring to do so I dunno. We’ll see.
Eddie Trunk: Are you always writing though?
Steve Harris: Yeah, I mean, I just get ideas all the time. I’m lucky like that, I suppose, you know, I’ve got so many ideas. I don’t think I could work them all up in my life the rest of my lifetime, which is a nice problem to have. But, um, yeah, I mean, we’ll see.
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SiriusXM’s Trunk Nation, hosted by SiriusXM’s Eddie Trunk, airs daily at 3pm ET on SiriusXM’s Faction Talk and on the SiriusXM app.