Team Enforcer: game bully or team protector? Depends on who you ask, and it’s about time the players got to tell their side of the story.
Fighting has been a staple in hockey since the game was first played professionally in the early 1900’s. Fighting is in its roots, in its blood, and is fully supported by both fans and players the world over. So why has it become such a thorn in the profession’s side as of late? According to the press, it all revolves around players like Scott Parker (shown above) who are known as “Enforcers” or gents that go about beating the hell out of the other teams’ players when someone decides to play dirty and takes a shot at his fellow team mates. In Ice Guardians, former players, coaches, reporters, sports writers, physicians, and more give their honest and professional opinions about the role enforcers play on the ice, and the repercussions of what it really means to hold that spot on the roster. Public perception verses the reality that is being an ice guardian couldn’t be more different, and while the role is being phased out due to the new rules and player placements, it still holds a seat of honour at the table of ice hockey’s history.
This is definitely an eye opening film where great care was taken to present all sides of the issue and set the record straight on the benefits and great cost of being an enforcer. It was beautifully shot with interviews from several hockey legends including Dave Semenko, Kelly Chase, and Dave “The Hammer” Schultz that offer up a few laughs and some serious hockey history. The film also has a fantastic sound track and doesn’t lose it’s edge from beginning to end, which indeed constitutes a 9 out of 10 rating.
Official trailer can be seen here
Ice Guardians
Directed by Brett Harvey
Written by Scott Dobbs, Bret Harvey
Starring Baruchel, Jarome Iginal, Chris Chelios
Produced by Score G Productions, Sophia Entertainment, SuperChannel