“Shrieking, slithering, torrential shadows of red viscous madness chasing one another through endless, ensanguined corridors of purple fulgorous sky… formless phantasms and kaleidoscopic mutations of a ghoulish, remembered scene; forests of monstrous overnourished oaks with serpent roots twisting and sucking unnamable juices from an earth verminous with millions of cannibal devils; mound-like tentacles groping from underground nuclei of polypous perversion… insane lightning over malignant ivied walls and daemon arcades choking with fungous vegetation…” — The Lurking Fear
Spoken word label Cadabra Records has released another tribute to macabre master H.P Lovecraft, this time his classic piece The Lurking Fear read by Andrew Leman, who is best known for his work with Sean Branney on The Call Of Cthulhu. The brilliant and dynamic verbal feast of Lovecraft’s work combined with Leman’s voice against the earie backdrop of mental band Theologian’s music create quite an ambience of mortal fear for ones own sanity. Lovecraft had such a masterful grip on the English language that he created gods, universes, and deeply disturbing fictional realities out of nothing more than a few thickly worded phrases that have left their indelible mark on our frail subconscious. Cadabra Records has once again produced a fitting tribute to an author whose work deserves to live on.
Simply put, highly recommended.
Visit Cadabra Records to order your copy on vinyl, limited quantities available.