“The night grows whole again, the shadows rest gathered beneath a greater shadow’s wings”
S.T Joshi, a leading authority on the works of H.P Lovecraft, Ambrose Bierce, H. L. Mencken and more, has collaborated with spoken word label Cadabra Records to create a unique verbal vehicle by which to expose a new audience to the mind bending works of horror based poetry written by acclaimed American author Clark Ashton Smith. The release, which will come out June 6th as a 7” vinyl, has S.T himself reading several of Smith’s poems, including Inferno, The Eldritch Dark, Nyctalops on side A and Nightmare, To Howard Phillips Lovecraft on side B, and features deeply dark and foreboding background music by heavy metal band Theologian. The poetry digs deep into religion, mythos, and unknown supernatural forces in a very old school horror style that allows your imagination to run wild and begs you concentrate on every word, every syllable that is uttered so you can feel the poetry, not just simply hear it. Excellent release and highly recommended
Album can be purchased here: http://www.cadabrarecords.com/2016/04/clark-ashton-smith-inferno-read-by-s-t-joshi/