Cue the sad hair metal ballad, the boss is (publically) in his feelings. Photo courtesy of
The gang at Mythic Quest has come out of hiding to bring us another hilarious yet meaningful episode of Raven’s Banquet, this time in a quarantine format, and it’s spectacular. It’s an ode to life without each other is pretty fucking scary, even if your co-workers can be narcissistic pains in the ass.
I’m sure we’ve all been Poppy at some point during the lock-down. Lonely, angry, confused, and in desperate need of a shower and real food. Photo courtesy of Collider
It all seemed so easy. Just get everyone on the Zoom call, check to see that no one has lost their mind while under quarantine, chat about giving to a charity to help others in this time of need, and send everyone on their way without everything going up in flames. But then you have Ian and Poppy both refusing to join unless they individually get in the meeting first, David shaving off a fair amount of facial hair after losing a gaming bet to Brad not once, but twice, for charity mind you, Carole from HR trying to work from home while homeschooling her kids, game testers Dana and Rachel just playing the quarantine days away, and Jo with C.W just being creepy. No one would expect anything different.
This, this is just…them.Perfectly. Photo courtesy of
Within the chaos, you do see the private frustrations, tone-deaf reactions, and the personal fears that all of us are facing to some degree, and it shows a deep level of empathy towards everyone’s struggle. Whether it’s something silly like giving yourself a bad haircut, something personal like feeling alone and vulnerable because you’re alone during the pandemic, projecting that you’re so in charge of yourself that nothing is affecting your grind when really you’re just afraid of admitting your feelings or dealing with the struggle of combining work and home life, this episode lays bare how the lockdown is really affecting the vast majority of us but don’t worry, it’s not all sobs and bad hygiene. When we’re apart humans can together remotely to create some really amazing things and that is what the ending focuses on, what we can accomplish together, and it’s a blast to watch. This episode was shot remotely, all on iPhones (40 of them), and shipped off to their amazing editing team who knocked this one out of the park.
Quarantine Episode trailer can be seen right over here
Official Trailer for Mythic Quest Raven’s Banquet series is here
For more information, you can visit their IMDb here