Antelope Audio, a leading interface company with advanced software control and real-time FX technology, announced its new flagship interface: Goliath HD. Able to serve as the powerhouse centerpiece of any studio, the long anticipated, best-in-class interface makes its debut at the Musikmesse convention, booth E28, hall 9.0, to take place in Frankfurt Germany between April 5 and 8.
Goliath HD, featuring 64 channels of high-quality audio I/O and powerful upgrades including the adaptable new Accusonic preamps, follows the launch of Antelope’s groundbreaking Orion32 HD, which began shipping in early March. Both units offer immense connectivity flexibility, pristine conversion, and a bevy of powerful hardware FX — to both Pro Tools HD and native DAW-based digital recording systems.
“With the launch of Goliath HD, even the most sophisticated studios can access the market leading features and innovations that only Antelope Audio interfaces can provide,” says Igor Levin, CEO of Antelope Audio. “Goliath HD — which works seamlessly in Pro Tools environments — is an uncompromising studio tool that improves overall sound quality while vastly expanding overall functionality.”
“No other interface on the market is able to serve as such a powerful and flexible centerpiece for the modern recording studio,” he continued. ‘The Goliath HD is a ‘must have’ for both advanced users and prolific recording studios around the world.”
Other-worldly Sound
Beyond the wealth of features that make it more versatile than any other interface on the market, the Goliath HD also sounds unlike any other interface on the market. For one thing, it sports the lowest total harmonic distortion (THD) available in a multi-channel interface across all 64 of its channels of input and output. Powered by the most advanced ESS chips available and Antelope’s legendary 64-bit Acoustically Focused Clocking (AFC) jitter-management technology and unique noise-lowering techniques, it also sets a new standard in digital conversion clarity.
To further refine the recording experience for Pro Tools HD users, Antelope’s proprietary HDX Delay Compensation makes sure any analog or digital input arrives in Pro Tools HD sample accurately in the timeline, enabling unmatched and refined integration of digital sources with Pro Tools HD software.
One Interface to Rule Them All
The Goliath’s flexible digital connectivity allows it to interface with both Mac or PC in a snap via Thunderbolt or USB 3.0. It also boasts dual MADI connections, which are compatible with MADI to Dante Bridge products — allowing users to access all audio streams from anywhere within their Dante-enabled facility. Users can even have an HD and a Native DAW simultaneously interfacing with the Goliath.
The High Art of I/O
The Goliath HD pushes the envelope in the world of input and output, offering a staggering 64 channels of I/O in its modest two-rack space frame. These include 16 of Antelope Audio’s new Accusonic mic preamplifiers, each with individual volume controls, to make multitrack recording a snap with or without any additional outboard gear. Goliath HD’s 32 analog inputs offer an impressive 124db of dynamic range, with its 32 analog outputs going up to 129db of dynamic range. Combine that with mastering grade monitor outputs featuring new technology that boosts dynamic range to a spectacular 132db, and you have access to a new level of detail in your mixes, never before possible in digital recording.
In addition to offering sufficient analog connectivity through its preamps and DB25 connectors, the Goliath HD also offers several useful specialized inputs and outputs that eliminate the need for excess gear around the studio. These include four guitar DI inputs, two transformer-based re-amp outs, a built-in talkback mic, two headphone outs, and a pair of analog inserts.
Goliath HD also has a range of connections availability for clock signal distribution: users can synchronize any gear in their system via the Goliath’s AES, MADI, ADAT, S/PDIF, and BNC connectors for use as Loop Sync or standard Word Clock. For the ultimate audio experience, Goliath includes an atomic input for Antelope Audio’s industry-leading 10M and 10MX atomic clocks.
Goliath HD: the Culmination of Decades of Interface Experience
Antelope Audio’s FX processing gives the Goliath HD powerful sound shaping capabilities, along with real-time performance. The new flagship unit leverages a constantly growing library of Antelope’s carefully modeled vintage hardware and modern FX. These new FPGA-based, real-time FX represent both an enormous cost savings and enormous processing power, while requiring no physical rack space.
Goliath HD desktop application also delivers comprehensive mixing and routing capabilities, enabling full control of input and output routing as well as submixes and FX processing. Thanks to Antelope’s new Session Presets functionality, all of these details — including specific FGPA FX settings and HDX compensation settings — are instantaneously recallable and sharable. This helps make the Goliath HD a perfect complement to Pro Tools HD based studios, particularly studios with multiple rooms or artists working in several locations. Users can simply dial in a particular session and access it any time or anywhere with a click of the mouse.
A New Kind of Versatility
Antelope’s new Accusonic microphone preamps further leverage the real-time processing capabilities of Antelope’s FPGA hardware, offering accurate hardware powered circuitry that complements your microphone selection. Combined with the powerful FX signal processing already available in the Goliath HD, the Accusonic microphone preamplifiers extend sonic possibilities during the recording process.
Touch the Power
Powerful apps for both IOS and Android allow Goliath HD users to adjust mic preamps and output volumes remotely as they move about their studio or venue. The Goliath HD’s front panel has also been enhanced with monitor and level indicators and a responsive touchscreen that provides easy access to preferences, while 16 convenient push-and-turn knobs allow for Mic Preamp selection and gain control for the Goliath’s built-in preamps.
For more information on this and other Antelope Audio recording interfaces, please visit:
For more information on Antelope Audio’s real-time FPGA FX and a full list of available FX, please visit: